Tuesday 21 October 2014

Dyslipidemia - Epidemiology Forecast to 2023, New Report Launched

Dyslipidemia - Epidemiology Forecast to 2023

Dyslipidemia is a condition in which one or more of the serum lipid levels are abnormal. It is a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and the burden of morbidity, mortality, and medical costs arising from dyslipidemia is substantial (WHO, 2002). This report provides an overview of the risk factors, comorbidities, and global trends for dyslipidemia in the eight major markets (8MM) (US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China [urban]). It includes a 10-year epidemiological forecast for the total prevalent cases of dyslipidemia (defined as: elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDLc], high triglycerides [TG] [≥200mg/dL], or low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDLc]), as well as the total prevalent cases of increased LDLc (≥115mg/dL to ≥160mg/dL based on country-specific cut-offs), and very high TG (≥500mg/dL), segmented by sex and age (in 10-year intervals beginning at 20 years and ending at ≥70 years). Additionally, the forecast provides the total prevalent cases of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in these markets.

To build the epidemiological forecast for the total prevalent cases of dyslipidemia in the 8MM, Publisher epidemiologists used nationally representative studies that provided the total prevalence of serum lipid disturbances (LDLc, TG, and HDLc) using the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines for the detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (part of the Adult Treatment Panel III [ATP III]). To build the epidemiological forecast for the total prevalent cases of FH in the 8MM, Publisher epidemiologists selected the best available studies from peer reviewed journals that provided the total prevalence of FH using the Simon Broome Classification criteria, or the LDLc based criteria. The forecast methodology is consistent across the 8MM, thereby allowing for a meaningful forecast comparison of the total prevalent cases of dyslipidemia as well as the total prevalent cases of FH in these markets.

Publisher epidemiologists forecast that the total prevalent cases of dyslipidemia in the 8MM will increase from 572,418,492 total prevalent cases in 2013, to 685,905,635 total prevalent cases in 2023, at an Annual Growth Rate (AGR) of 1.99%. All markets will see an increase in the total prevalent cases of dyslipidemia at varying AGRs, except for Germany, which will see a decrease. The 8MM had an estimated 3,339,447 total prevalent cases of FH in 2013, and the number of total prevalent cases is expected to increase to 4,365,831 by 2023, at an AGR of 3.07%. All markets will see an increase in the total prevalent cases of FH at varying AGRs, except for Japan, which will see a decrease.

The total prevalent cases of increased LDLc (≥115mg/dL to ≥160mg/dL based on country-specific cut-offs) in the 8MM for 2013 and 2023. Publisher epidemiologists forecast that the total prevalent cases of increased LDLc in the 8MM will increase from 345,008,543 total prevalent cases in 2013 to 411,737,455 total prevalent cases in 2023, at an AGR of 1.93%. All markets will see an increase in the total prevalent cases of increased LDLc at varying AGRs, except for Germany, which will see a decrease. The total prevalent cases of very high TG (≥500mg/dL) in the 8MM for 2013 and 2023. The 8MM had an estimated 10,777,756 total prevalent cases of very high TG in 2013, and the number of total prevalent cases is expected to increase to 12,746,492 by 2023, at an AGR of 1.83%. All markets will see an increase in the total prevalent cases of very high TG at varying AGRs, except for Germany and Japan, which will see a decrease.

Know more about this report athttp://mrr.cm/ZrS

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